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  • Excel List Adapter
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VCS Configuration

Before using the invoke-push mechanisms of the excel adapter you need to configure the version control systems which may trigger commit events. You need to configure the REST service on your vcs to get the actual files which are noted in the commit events from the version control system.

To do to "Configure Version Control" in the upper navigation.

To add you vcs klick on "Add new VCS". And fill the data accordingly. You can use the "parameters" to set for example Version parameters for the lookup. You can use the placeholders mentioned in the screenshot above.

Strategy Trigger Configuration

Strategies are used to abstract different types of excel sheets.

You need to configure which strategy is used on which excel file. To do so you klick on "Configure Adapter Strategies" (if you are not already in it). And select the strategy for which you like to configure a new trigger (or change, or delete a trigger).

To add a new trigger klick on the text "Enter a new pattern here". To change a trigger klick on the text of the trigger. To delete one klick on "Delete".

You can use PERL regulary expressions in the trigger like in the example above.


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