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You will need to install the following tools to build, deploy and test an EMI on your local machine

  • Glassfish or higher (or any other J2EE application server)
  • MySQL or another relational database
  • Maven 3
  • Java 1.7 SDK
  • A java development environment like eclipse or intelliJ
  • NodeJS inkl. npm


  1. Install the java SDK
  2. Install Maven and or your favorite java development environment
  3. Download and install Glassfish and setup the databases and the server according to the server setup.
  4. install nodeJS inkl. npm
    1. on Ubuntu:
      1. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
        sudo apt-get update
        sudo apt-get install python-software-properties python g++ make nodejs
    2. on Windows:
      1. Download and install nodejs from
  5. install bower
    1. npm install -g bower
  6. install grunt 
    1. npm install -g grunt-cli

Build EMI-Framework

Locally install npm in the yo directory of the messageCache.api project:

npm install

To build the EMI Framework execute 

mvn clean install -P BuildAll 

on the parent project


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