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Is not as easy as you think it would be. Hence our experience is not complete on this and we can only supply some first steps that you need to perform. However, an actual deployment of EMI components or the EMI Framework on a WAS was never successful. We believe the reason lies within the startup order of the ejb-jars and their dependencies with each other for example in the monitoring service.


You need to set the following custom JVM settings.

To do so: Log into the administration console of your WAS. Got to: Server > server 1 > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine > Custom Properties. Add the values to the properties and restart you server.

JVM Properties
// Fix for context and dependency injection in startup
// EJBs. See = true


You need to set up a messaging service to be able to use the EMI framework in your applications. In theory you can pick any message queue available in the market. We provide detailed setup instructions for:

Setup Messaging in WAS (WAS7 Tutorial but should also work in WAS 8.x)